This website FREE OF CHARGE
has three missions
1) Provide you daily with the list of
carbohydrate foods to be eliminated,
avoided or limited, depending on the tendencies
of the previous months and weeks. In this log book,
click on each food in the list for which you have not been
able to keep to the advice.
2) The diary of my future child. Every day, there is a diary area
where you can write down all the feelings and emotions you have
experienced that will then be precious memories to later share with HIM or HER.
3) Let you take part in an international study. Why? So that
your experience can be used to justify and extend this programme
to other mothers who want to give birth to a child with a healthy
and strong pancreas. This issue is highly humanitarian and
for the survey to be reliable, a brief report (just a few clicks)
must be submitted daily.